19 research outputs found

    Who is the Real Hero? Measuring Developer Contribution via Multi-dimensional Data Integration

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    Proper incentives are important for motivating developers in open-source communities, which is crucial for maintaining the development of open-source software healthy. To provide such incentives, an accurate and objective developer contribution measurement method is needed. However, existing methods rely heavily on manual peer review, lacking objectivity and transparency. The metrics of some automated works about effort estimation use only syntax-level or even text-level information, such as changed lines of code, which lack robustness. Furthermore, some works about identifying core developers provide only a qualitative understanding without a quantitative score or have some project-specific parameters, which makes them not practical in real-world projects. To this end, we propose CValue, a multidimensional information fusion-based approach to measure developer contributions. CValue extracts both syntax and semantic information from the source code changes in four dimensions: modification amount, understandability, inter-function and intra-function impact of modification. It fuses the information to produce the contribution score for each of the commits in the projects. Experimental results show that CValue outperforms other approaches by 19.59% on 10 real-world projects with manually labeled ground truth. We validated and proved that the performance of CValue, which takes 83.39 seconds per commit, is acceptable to be applied in real-world projects. Furthermore, we performed a large-scale experiment on 174 projects and detected 2,282 developers having inflated commits. Of these, 2,050 developers did not make any syntax contribution; and 103 were identified as bots

    Cross-Lingual Adaptation for Type Inference

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    Deep learning-based techniques have been widely applied to the program analysis tasks, in fields such as type inference, fault localization, and code summarization. Hitherto deep learning-based software engineering systems rely thoroughly on supervised learning approaches, which require laborious manual effort to collect and label a prohibitively large amount of data. However, most Turing-complete imperative languages share similar control- and data-flow structures, which make it possible to transfer knowledge learned from one language to another. In this paper, we propose cross-lingual adaptation of program analysis, which allows us to leverage prior knowledge learned from the labeled dataset of one language and transfer it to the others. Specifically, we implemented a cross-lingual adaptation framework, PLATO, to transfer a deep learning-based type inference procedure across weakly typed languages, e.g., Python to JavaScript and vice versa. PLATO incorporates a novel joint graph kernelized attention based on abstract syntax tree and control flow graph, and applies anchor word augmentation across different languages. Besides, by leveraging data from strongly typed languages, PLATO improves the perplexity of the backbone cross-programming-language model and the performance of downstream cross-lingual transfer for type inference. Experimental results illustrate that our framework significantly improves the transferability over the baseline method by a large margin

    An Empirical Study of Malicious Code In PyPI Ecosystem

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    PyPI provides a convenient and accessible package management platform to developers, enabling them to quickly implement specific functions and improve work efficiency. However, the rapid development of the PyPI ecosystem has led to a severe problem of malicious package propagation. Malicious developers disguise malicious packages as normal, posing a significant security risk to end-users. To this end, we conducted an empirical study to understand the characteristics and current state of the malicious code lifecycle in the PyPI ecosystem. We first built an automated data collection framework and collated a multi-source malicious code dataset containing 4,669 malicious package files. We preliminarily classified these malicious code into five categories based on malicious behaviour characteristics. Our research found that over 50% of malicious code exhibits multiple malicious behaviours, with information stealing and command execution being particularly prevalent. In addition, we observed several novel attack vectors and anti-detection techniques. Our analysis revealed that 74.81% of all malicious packages successfully entered end-user projects through source code installation, thereby increasing security risks. A real-world investigation showed that many reported malicious packages persist in PyPI mirror servers globally, with over 72% remaining for an extended period after being discovered. Finally, we sketched a portrait of the malicious code lifecycle in the PyPI ecosystem, effectively reflecting the characteristics of malicious code at different stages. We also present some suggested mitigations to improve the security of the Python open-source ecosystem.Comment: Accepted by the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2023

    A Survey on Automated Program Repair Techniques

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    With the rapid development and large-scale popularity of program software, modern society increasingly relies on software systems. However, the problems exposed by software have also come to the fore. Software defect has become an important factor troubling developers. In this context, Automated Program Repair (APR) techniques have emerged, aiming to automatically fix software defect problems and reduce manual debugging work. In particular, benefiting from the advances in deep learning, numerous learning-based APR techniques have emerged in recent years, which also bring new opportunities for APR research. To give researchers a quick overview of APR techniques' complete development and future opportunities, we revisit the evolution of APR techniques and discuss in depth the latest advances in APR research. In this paper, the development of APR techniques is introduced in terms of four different patch generation schemes: search-based, constraint-based, template-based, and learning-based. Moreover, we propose a uniform set of criteria to review and compare each APR tool, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of APR techniques, and discuss the current state of APR development. Furthermore, we introduce the research on the related technical areas of APR that have also provided a strong motivation to advance APR development. Finally, we analyze current challenges and future directions, especially highlighting the critical opportunities that large language models bring to APR research.Comment: This paper's earlier version was submitted to CSUR in August 202

    Compatible Remediation on Vulnerabilities from Third-Party Libraries for Java Projects

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    With the increasing disclosure of vulnerabilities in open-source software, software composition analysis (SCA) has been widely applied to reveal third-party libraries and the associated vulnerabilities in software projects. Beyond the revelation, SCA tools adopt various remediation strategies to fix vulnerabilities, the quality of which varies substantially. However, ineffective remediation could induce side effects, such as compilation failures, which impede acceptance by users. According to our studies, existing SCA tools could not correctly handle the concerns of users regarding the compatibility of remediated projects. To this end, we propose Compatible Remediation of Third-party libraries (CORAL) for Maven projects to fix vulnerabilities without breaking the projects. The evaluation proved that CORAL not only fixed 87.56% of vulnerabilities which outperformed other tools (best 75.32%) and achieved a 98.67% successful compilation rate and a 92.96% successful unit test rate. Furthermore, we found that 78.45% of vulnerabilities in popular Maven projects could be fixed without breaking the compilation, and the rest of the vulnerabilities (21.55%) could either be fixed by upgrades that break the compilations or even be impossible to fix by upgrading.Comment: 11 pages, conferenc

    Towards Understanding Third-party Library Dependency in C/C++ Ecosystem

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    Third-party libraries (TPLs) are frequently reused in software to reduce development cost and the time to market. However, external library dependencies may introduce vulnerabilities into host applications. The issue of library dependency has received considerable critical attention. Many package managers, such as Maven, Pip, and NPM, are proposed to manage TPLs. Moreover, a significant amount of effort has been put into studying dependencies in language ecosystems like Java, Python, and JavaScript except C/C++. Due to the lack of a unified package manager for C/C++, existing research has only few understanding of TPL dependencies in the C/C++ ecosystem, especially at large scale. Towards understanding TPL dependencies in the C/C++ecosystem, we collect existing TPL databases, package management tools, and dependency detection tools, summarize the dependency patterns of C/C++ projects, and construct a comprehensive and precise C/C++ dependency detector. Using our detector, we extract dependencies from a large-scale database containing 24K C/C++ repositories from GitHub. Based on the extracted dependencies, we provide the results and findings of an empirical study, which aims at understanding the characteristics of the TPL dependencies. We further discuss the implications to manage dependency for C/C++ and the future research directions for software engineering researchers and developers in fields of library development, software composition analysis, and C/C++package manager.Comment: ASE 202

    Jailbreaking ChatGPT via Prompt Engineering: An Empirical Study

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    Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, have demonstrated vast potential but also introduce challenges related to content constraints and potential misuse. Our study investigates three key research questions: (1) the number of different prompt types that can jailbreak LLMs, (2) the effectiveness of jailbreak prompts in circumventing LLM constraints, and (3) the resilience of ChatGPT against these jailbreak prompts. Initially, we develop a classification model to analyze the distribution of existing prompts, identifying ten distinct patterns and three categories of jailbreak prompts. Subsequently, we assess the jailbreak capability of prompts with ChatGPT versions 3.5 and 4.0, utilizing a dataset of 3,120 jailbreak questions across eight prohibited scenarios. Finally, we evaluate the resistance of ChatGPT against jailbreak prompts, finding that the prompts can consistently evade the restrictions in 40 use-case scenarios. The study underscores the importance of prompt structures in jailbreaking LLMs and discusses the challenges of robust jailbreak prompt generation and prevention

    Machine learning methods for Android malware detection

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    With the Android mobile device becoming increasingly popular, the Android application market has become a main target of the malware attacks. Therefore, many methods have been used to protect the mobile application users from being attacked. However, those methods have shortcomings in detecting the malware within a short time, and can be easily bypassed. To detect the malware before the installed time, and overcome the drawbacks of dynamic analysis and signature based analysis, the machine learning based malware detection methods has been proposed. In this project, I have adopted this approach to develop a tool to extract Android application features, and built the classification model using the generated feature sets. The result shows that classification the model can reach 98% accuracy in predicting the maliciousness of the application. I have also generated the transformation attack samples, which will be used in further machine learning based malware detection studies.Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science